As part of our longer term planning we invite our members to take part in this Questionnaire/Survey, which we hope will inform the committee the direction you want us to take.

It also allows our members to suggest improvements, which will help the society maintain a healthy attraction to new members, and equally importantly, keep our current members.

We are seeking your views, so please take a few minutes of your valuable time to share your thoughts.

Thank you.

The Executive Committee

The questionnaire should take less than 5 minutes to complete. Questions marked with a red* asterix need an answer, but if the question doesn’t apply to you then there will be an appropriate response.

Use the NEXT button at the foot of each section to advance through the questionnaire.

There are only 7 pages.

The questionnaire is now closed. We thank all our members who did respond. The findings will be publicised on this site in due course. 15th July 2024